100 Days of Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu Government in CMO 

Himachal Chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu government today completed his first 100 days in CMO given a new slogan of of Vayvastha Parivartan (Changing the System). Addressing media person today Mr Sukhu emphasized on the landmark change in governance stating that his government has not come to power for Satasukh (enjoy the power) but to serve the people. He said that soon after taking oath in December 11 he and Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri went to Orphanage center Tutikandi and learnt from them how they could serve in the state and change the existing style of governance. Those orphans who had no parents Government decided to bring Ashrya scheme to those young inmates who had completed 18 yrs. Government found that such person are left on the mercy of their fate after attaining age of 18 yrs but under Rs 101 Crore Ashray Yojana such students are being adopted by the Government as their mother and father both. Government as a policy took commitment to bear entire expenses of such students who after completing education can study further and get training. Government in its first few days in office decided to pay the fee and other expenses of such students to study in institutions but also bear the hostel expenses for them. Such Orphans will be covered under schemes so as to provide them exposure . Government to pay their airfare and five star hotel expenses .

Mr Sukhu said that Government has not came here to promote VIP culture but on the suggestion of party MLA it was decided to pay full charges in Himachal Pradesh Guest houses and Himachal Bhawan in Chandigarh and Delhi as it was being charged from the normal people. Earlier to this government was allowing MLAs to pay Rs 300 for a night stay in such premises compared to Rs 1200 by the general public.

Mr Sukhu said that Congress have announced to restore Old Pension Scheme to 1.36 lakh State Employees who are covered under the new pension system. He said govt not only implemented the OPS but first created additional resources of Rs 1000 crore for the same. He said that Goverment would Stop the deduction of ten percent of the salary from Employees on account of their share of NPS from March 31, 2023. Mr Sukhu said that Goverment has made the provisions of more than Rs 200 Cr of Rs 1500 Pension to whom who are covered under welfare schemes and provides the benefit to 2.37 lakh woman. He said that Goverment is creating additional resources to provide the guarantee of Rs 1500 to all other left out women in phased manure.

Mr Sukhu said that to increased the pace of development for the first time tenders process policy has been changed as entire tender process would be completed within 20 days which is earlier taking 90 days. The government has asked PWD, IPH and Electricity Department etc. that they would have to float the tender  within ten days. Mr Sukhu said that Government also ensured that pending dues of employees up to Rs 9000 crore is being paid to employees as budgetary provision are being made for the same.

Mr Sukhu said that previous government never did home works to create revenue generation but soon after coming in power he and Deputy Chief minister offered their Salary to Chief Minister relief funds. He said that Government not only stopped the Vidhyak Nidhi to meet out the pending expenses to fulfill the pending liabilities but also tried to focus on the measure to create additional resources for the government. He said Goverment decided to impose water Cess, increasing the share of state in those power project which are free from loan liabilities by providing free power of upto 30 percent.

Mr Sukhu said that Goverment would sell the surplus power at higher prices in the peak season and would try to buy power from others state on low price directly by signing MOU. Mr Sukhu said that target was set to generate additional 1000 mega watt Solar Power in additional to hydropower so that state could generate employment and become self dependent on the power in the lean winter season. Mr Sukhu said that Unions Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari have made phone calls to state revenue department for dispersing Rs 9000 crore compensation to affected land losers which reflects that system of governance has been changed.

Mr Sukhu said that process of FRA and FCS completion being made more rational as Government law officers and state attorney effectively got order from Supreme Court of India to pending projects clearance and also sought direction to open dedicated office of Union Environment forest and climate change at local level to speed up the forest clearance. District level FRA and FCA committee is being constituted and all the roads and development projects are being finalized promptly.

Mr Sukhu said that their Government has ended the dens of corruption by taking paper leak mafia head-on and not only booked those involved but also decided to holds the examination of 2000 posts through Himachal Pradesh Public Services Commission within a month to restore the faith of students who are affected by postponing of recruitment tests and those who are not under investigation for paper leak would got employment under further process.

While replying to a query Chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that switching over to green Transport does not means to increase the cost of transportation but Government have made provision of Rs 1000 crore in the state budget to buy a fleet of 1500 electric buses which would help the HRTC to cut fuel costs. He said that Government has decided to pay the Rs 650 Crore grant in aids to HRTC so that the burden of transport is not borne by the passenger.

Mr Sukhu said that in short notice of 100 days Government decided to hike state revenue in the tune of 40 pc or Rs 520 crore from the excise policy and also decided to levy Rs 10 per bottles as Milk Cess on the liquor which would generate additional income of Rs 120 Crore for the purpose. Mr Sukhu said that in the state budget number of scheme are launched to create employment generation for the local youths and Rs 200 Crore was allocated to provide subsidy to youth so as to set up Solar Power plant . Government agency would create escrow account of the beneficiary where subsidy and power purchase being governed by the candidate. Mr Sukhu said that youth would benefit from new scheme would come forward to invest under self-employment scheme.

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